

Leuchttürme der Bildung. Bestseller in bookstores.

Places that ignite a lifelong love for learning are known as lighthouses of education. They provide an individual path towards excellent education within the existing school system because every child has talent, in every school and every class.

In his first book, leadership expert and university lecturer Manfred Hückel calls for a gentle revolution in education, moving from working on weaknesses to strengthening individual strengths, transforming school leadership and teachers into modern leaders instead of being burdened by bureaucratic rigidity. This path not only brings equal opportunities for children, but also ignites a sense of purpose among everyone involved.

His vision for a future-proof school system includes implementing modern management methods, sparking enthusiasm and curiosity instead of fear and frustration in both teaching and learning.

Book Release Event

StGIS Kino

Sonnenburggasse 1, 5340, St Gilgen 

Path of Excellence book

Path of Excellence

Path of Excellence is an award-winning book showcasing a selection of thoughts and visions from various members of the St. Gilgen International School community. Dive in and learn how to build islands and move mountains!


«Strengthening strengths» as a leadership principle

The remarkable master's thesis by Swiss student Joel Mattli, which I supervised in 2021 at the University of St. Gallen, focusses on the management principle 'strengthening strengths', as a successful approach for modern managers based on current studies.


How to create your island of excellence

This article aims to inspire the creation of a special environment: an "Island of Excellence" on which exceptional talents in sports, business and education can thrive and achieve world-class performances.


In jeder Schultasche ein Laptop!

The corona crisis offers a unique opportunity for an overdue transition of our school system into the digital age and for a focus on individual strength-based learning. The “whatever it takes” principle must now be used for the highest good: for the good of our children.


Ethics with the Indian elephant

We are completely outraged about misconduct from managers, politicians or athletes who contradict our basic values, but how can we be sure that we ourselves are not jeopardizing our careers by leaving the "path of virtue"? And, more importantly, how can we prevent our employees from doing this? Particularly when it comes to international dealings, you can quickly get into situations that you wouldn’t have thought would ever happen to you…

Book Exposé

Nur mit Schmetterlingen im Bauch

In the first part, readers learn to use the “butterfly model” to discover their own leadership strengths and lead themselves. The second part is about leading a group of people to extraordinary achievements through inspiration, communication, but also manipulation and negotiation techniques.
The author uses personal and self-deprecating insights as an athlete, family man, university lecturer and school manager as well as anecdotes from his twenty-three years as a manager for Red Bull, which rose from a small Austrian beverage company to a mysterious global corporation during this time.

Please get in touch if you are interested in reprinting one of the above publications.